Callum Campbell, the Tory candidate for Bridge of Allan and Dunblane in the forthcoming Stirling Council elections, is stepping down as Chairman of the Bridge of Allan Primary School Board with immediate effect.
“As we are now quickly approaching the local council elections on May 3rd, it is important that I step down now to ensure that there is no conflict of interest as the Board is apolitical.” Callum said.
Callum, whose daughters Chloe (10) and Harriet (8) both attend the school, was elected as a Parent Member of the school board in 2004, and duly elected Chairman in 2005.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time serving on the board, and have had the opportunity to work alongside highly dedicated individuals who have given up plenty of their spare time to volunteer and work for the benefit of the school as a whole.
“The school has gone through a major transformation over the past year, achieving highly encouraging comments from the school inspectors in January. Much of the credit for this goes to Head Teacher Lina Horsburgh and her team who have worked very hard over the last 12 months. The children and parents have also played their part too.
“It is sad to be saying farewell, but I know that I am leaving the board in capable hands. Yvonne Walker, currently Clerk to the school board, will be acting as interim Chair until the new parent council known as FAST (Families And School Together) is expected to be formed later in May.
“I hope that I will still be able to work closely with the school in the future wherever and whenever I possibly can.”